Sustainable transformation of the United Arab Emirates oil and gas sector
The global economy is facing a paradigm shift due to the increasing issues of sustainability. The oil and gas sector are at the centre of this change as it produces a significant amount of carbon emissions through burning of fossil fuels. As a large producer of oil and gas, UAE must act accordingly, to ensure sustainability in its oil explorations activities. This will ensure the surface temperatures are kept below 2oC as championed by Paris Agreement, COP28, and national sustainability targets. This research aims to critically review the sustainable transformation of the United Arab Emirates oil and gas sector by exploring the issues, strategies, challenges and barriers in the implementation of sustainability measures. This will also involve the appraisal of the status of nationally set targets to promote environmental, social and economic sustainability of the energy sector in UAE. This research presents quantitative analysis of data by conducting a systematic review of literature.Citation
Zayer, N., Renukappa, S., Suresh, S. and Al Shebli, A. (in press) Sustainable transformation of the United Arab Emirates oil and gas sector, presented at Achieving transformation for greater good: Societal, organisational and personal barriers and enablers, 38th British Academy of Management Conference, 2nd – 6th September 2024, Nottingham Trent University, U.K.Publisher
British Academy of ManagementAdditional Links
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This is an accepted manuscript of a paper due to be presented at Achieving transformation for greater good: Societal, organisational and personal barriers and enablers, 38th British Academy of Management Conference, 2nd– 6th September 2024, Nottingham Trent University, U.K The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Collections
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